Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our 7th Wedding Aniversary

What can I's been fun, and I think we'll keep on having fun together forever! Sunday June 14th was our 7th anniversary. I feel bad that it's always shadowed by Hailey's birthday...but eventually we go out and celebrate. With baby boy on the way...and me on a modified bedrest, it made it harder to celebrate this year. On Monday night we dropped the kids off at my parents house and went to Flemmings for dinner. We have always wanted to try the food there, and now we can cross that off of our list! Our food was good, we ordered appetizers, and different sides and main dishes so we could try a whole bunch of stuff there. We had a good time. I couldn't even go out to the store to buy Dan a card or anything...he bought me a sweet card and gave me a coupon for a pedicure. He knows me so well! I'm always complaining before giving birth that I will have to be looking at how ugly my toes look, so he gave me a pedicure to use so my toes can look pretty. That's such a stupid and selfish thing-I know, but I figured it's not that bad considering the fact that I've been making a human for the last 8 months! We had a short...but good time going out together, it was nice to eat a warm meal and not have to get high-chairs and sippy cups to enjoy the meal. It was nice. I'm glad that I'm married to Dan and that we are still laughing together after 7 years. It's great. I love you Dan!


Casey and Brynn said...

Happy Anniversary you two!

Jeanerbee said...

Happy Anniversary! Our 7th was on the 15th! And your baby shower looks fun - how come I wasn't invited?? Lol =) You look radiant!

Lauren said...

Right before I have a baby is the one time I get a pedicure! Congratulations on your anniversary!

Carson said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Wow 7 years