A couple of nights ago I made a big deal about STAYING IN YOUR OWN BED ALL NIGHT LONG! I told whitney that if she needed anything, to just wake up Hailey to help her. The next morning I woke up and realized that Whitney had not come into my bedroom during the night. I made a point to thank her and clapped my hands while telling her how proud I was of her.
If I would have realized how easy that would be, I would have done it a long time ago! All I had to do was raise my voice a little and point my finger while saying it-and TA-DA! Magic! It worked!
I was feeling proud, more rested, accomplished. I had told my child to do something, and she did. Obedience. Life was great. I had finally figured out this whole parenting thing. I felt great......UNTIL........I found the vomit in her bed.
Yes, vomit....all over! The poor little thing had been sick during the night. I wouldn't know anything about it either, because I told her to stay in her bed! Poor little Whit was probably too scared to come and wake me up! I felt horrible!
I had to have the whole "staying in your own bed" talk again, but with a few adjustments. If you are sick you CAN come and get me. Just when you think you have everything figured out-life throws you a new issue to tackle! Being a parent means that you are FOREVER learning!
Sorry Whit!
Oh sweet little girl! That is totally something I would do.
Poor girl but such obedience:) Wellyn would never obey me, he still wakes us up at night to tell us things like he would like to go to Disneyland someday:) Good luck!
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