Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Whitney Grace

Today, September 3rd 2008 is Whitney's first birthday. I look back on the past year and think of how much our little family has changed. At times it seems that the year went by SO quickly...and at other does feel like a whole year has passed by. Whitney was actually born on Labor Day of 2007, which will be a fun story to tell her about someday, she weighed a WHOPPING 5lbs. 5oz. and was 18 1/4 inches long. She was 4 weeks early and needed some eating and breathing support for the first week of her life, the NICU was her home for that week. She learned to breathe and eat on her own...and a week later we took her home for good-we were so excited to be able to hold her without any monitors and cords attached to her body, a healthy baby girl was now in our possession! She has grown so much in the past weighing around 23-24 pounds and developing as any normal 1 year old would. WE are blessed to have her in our home and in our lives. Hailey is so excited to have a playmate, and they just love each other and play together all day long. We are grateful for you Whit....and are excited that you have reached your first birthday, and are looking forward to many more birthdays with you! We love you WHit!


Stacie Aho said...

Happy Birthday Baby Whit!!!! Those newborn pictures are so darn cute. I don't think I saw her when she was that little!
You're such a fun and sweet girl! We can't wait to celebrate on Friday :)

The Josh's said...

Give the birthday girl a big kiss for me! We miss you lots.

Julie P. said...

Can't believe she's already one! She is so adorable, give her a big birthday kiss for us:)
Love ya.

Casey and Brynn said...

Happy Birthday Whitney! We hope to meet you soon! :) Can't believe it has been a year already.