Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Busy week!

This week has been crazy! My girls have had the stomach flu. Let's just say I'm tired of cleaning up human messes, and just plain tired! They are starting to get better....eating and drinking more so I'm not as worried.
This past Saturday I received a phone call at 9:30 in the morning. It was my mom, she said she was taking my dad to the ER because she found him lying on the kitchen floor. He wasn't feeling good the night before...and he was covered, no, drenched in sweat. To make a long story short, my dad is now coming home today (Tuesday) and is ok. He was bleeding internally and needed a diagnosis and a few blood transfusions. It was kind of scary! If my mom didn't take him-he could have bled to death without even knowing it! He will be starting some new medication and will need to have another transfusion in about 6 weeks. Meanwhile my mom is still recovering from foot surgery-she still needs some time to fully recover.
I told you this week has been crazy! Here's hoping to a healthy week to come!


Stacie Aho said...

What a bummer week! I'm glad to hear your dad is okay. How scary.
I'm so glad you got a blog. Your pictures are so cute!

Casey and Brynn said...

Wonderful blog! So happy you have one!!! I will call you soon!

The Josh's said...

So excited to starting seeing the girls and hearing more what goes on in the life of k-k-katie.

Carly said...

Your blog is so stinking cute! I didn't realize that you had one...I found it on Jeanine's page. I'm sorry to hear about the bug :( Cody and I have a blog and it is codyandcarly.blogspot.com
Hope you guys get well quick. Love, Carly

Unknown said...

Yea for the blog! I haven't seen you in forever-it was great to see pics of you and your family. Sorry about your dad--I am happy he is home and feeling better

Amber said...

Sorry--that was from me--not sam--didn't realize he was signed in :)